Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My crochet

Christmas 2012

                                My blue Christmas!I made my own pillows this christmas.

Lady of Black Shadow

                                                          She is now 7 month old
We gave her that name because her father's name is Shadow and he is black like her.I love my dog!
                                                     Country Fair Day!October 2012

Old dresser

                                              Makes a HUGE difference


                             My favorite pumpkin cheesecake.Thanksgiving was awsome!
                                              Ham,bacon and cheese suffle!Love it!

Our 12 year old table

Just a little paint!That's how it turned out.Finaly, fits the style of our house!It will work for now

Friday, September 14, 2012

I love purses and shoes.That's the way I keep them organized

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Doberman Pinscher puppy

Our brand new puppy Lady.She is only 7 weeks old,very sweet.Will be 90 pound dog in about 1 year!

Leaving to camp Wilds

Our church bus taking away from us for a week our Tatyana and Joseph to camp Wilds for the first time ever.But we know they are in good hands of our Lord and good christian people.Have a good time,guys!
On a church property getting ready to leave for a week.We miss them a lot!